Virtual November Chapter Meeting:
PMI-UNY presents:
An Introduction to AI Techniques: Strengths, Weaknesses, and How They Work
with John Slowik
6:30PM - 7:30PM (Featured Presentation)
1 Power Skills PDU!
In this presentation, you will get an introductory overview of AI generally, inner workings of AI, and use cases both good and not so good. You will also get a peek into how modern statistical AI thinks, how the techniques have evolved over the period, cutting edge work, and future expectations.
About our guest speaker:
John Slowik MS is a Doctoral Student studying the intersection of robotics, cognitive architectures, and formal logic. His current work is integrating formal language reasoning with hardware systems in the PERI.2 Robot to solve safety and trust critical applications that require deep reasoning. He is part of the RAIR Lab at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, advised by Dr Selmer Bringsjord and funded by the Office of Naval Research. He graduated from Northeastern University with an MS in Computer Science focusing on AI, and a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Detroit Mercy.
For questions or more information about this event, contact: Vijay Oruganti, VP Events at
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