Endorsement Policy
Project Management Institute Upstate New York PMI UNY Chapter, Inc, (PMI UNY Chapter) has concerns regarding the direct use of PMI UNY Chapter’s name and good will in connection with software, exhibitions, conferences, seminars, workshops, training courses or other events related to professional development that have not been substantively developed by the PMI UNY Chapter. Endorsement of a product, event or service is not part of the mission of the PMI UNY Chapter. This policy establishes a procedure for PMI UNY Chapter to follow when it is considering endorsing a product, event, or service.
Endorsement means an arrangement in which PMI UNY Chapter’s name and/or logo are attached to a non-PMI product, event, or service, and refers to an act of support only, that does not incur any financial obligations by the PMI UNY Chapter.
PMI UNY Chapter’s name, logo, or other identifier shall not be used for commercial promotional purposes except with prior written permission. Written permission will be given by the President of the PMI UNY Chapter, in conformity with this policy regarding endorsements.
Generally, PMI UNY Chapter’s name or logo will not be placed on any product, event, or service that PMI UNY Chapter has not had a role in developing.
However, in the occasional case where the PMI UNY Chapter receives a request for endorsement, the Board of Directors will consider such request using the criteria and process described below.
Objectives for an Endorsement arrangement should include furthering PMI UNY Chapter’s mission and goals, maintaining the highest ethical and quality standards, avoiding conflicts of interest and even the appearance of conflicts, maintaining PMI UNY Chapter’s independence and objectivity, diversity in relationships, and professionalism in all interactions.
- Any proposal for Endorsement must be related to the PMI UNY Chapter’s mission and goals.
- The subject of the proposed Endorsement must have a clear benefit to the PMI UNY Chapter and its members such as a discounted cost; assisting members to keep up-to-date in developing technologies, concepts and approaches; to bring people with mutual interest together to share knowledge and experience; and to promote the development of project management.
- If applicable, the product or service must offer PDU’s to PMI UNY Chapter members.
- There should be little or no risk of an agenda promoting interests that are not aligned with the interests of PMI UNY Chapter.
- The Endorsement will not influence PMI UNY Chapter programs or policies, conflict with policies or goals, or affect the objectivity of the PMI UNY Chapter.
- Any communications about the Endorsement and specific uses of the PMI UNY Chapter's name or logo by the organization would require prior written approval from the PMI UNY Chapter.
Step 1: Requestor Submits Proposal/Request
- Requestor submits a proposal/request for an Endorsement by email to the current PMI UNY Chapter Vice President of Special Projects or by standard USPS mail to PMI UNY Chapter, PO Box 11132, Loudonville, New York 12211.
Step 2: The Proposal/Request is reviewed by the PMI UNY Board
- The Board shall apply the objectives and criteria set forth above in making its determination regarding the proposed Endorsement. The proposed Endorsement must explain how it meets the Objectives and Criteria set forth above and must detail the benefit of the Endorsement to the PMI UNY Chapter.
Step 3: The Board Votes on whether to endorse the product or service
- If any significant doubt exists as to whether the use of the PMI UNY Chapter’s name will contribute to the best interests of the PMI UNY Chapter, the permission shall be withheld. A proposed Endorsement must receive a two-thirds vote by the Board in order to be approved.
Step 4: Communication of Decision of Board
- The Vice President of Special Projects communicates the decision to the requestor in writing by email or by standard USPS mail.
Additional Requirements
For any Endorsement that is approved by PMI UNY Chapter, the requester must agree to indemnify and hold harmless the PMI UNY Chapter, including any copyright, patent, or trademark infringement or similar violations.
If the PMI UNY Chapter is asked to be listed on a vendor or other client list, as a condition of being included, the list shall include a statement that inclusion does not constitute Endorsement.
In any participation by PMI UNY Chapter in a demonstration of a vendor's product or service to another, it shall be made clear in correspondence by vendor to all concerned that the demonstration does not constitute Endorsement by PMI UNY Chapter.
Links to web sites or references to project management related products, events, or services may be included on the PMI UNY Chapter’s website or written materials for the convenience of the PMI UNY Chapter members. In such cases the following statement shall be prominently displayed:
“Links to web sites or references to project management related products, events or services not created by the PMI UNY Chapter are for the convenience of PMI UNY Chapter members only. Such use does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the PMI UNY Chapter of any website, product, event, or service.”