Virtual March Chapter Meeting

PMI-UNY presents:

Title: Design Thinking

with Jeremy McDougall

6:30PM - 7:30PM (Featured Presentation)

0.5 Power Skills and 0.5 Ways of Working PDU!


Design Thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes understanding people's needs by forming empathy with target users. This approach is particularly helpful for developing innovative solutions to difficult design challenges for products and services. During this one-hour seminar we will review design thinking basics and provide additional avenues for more training. For those who are in person a hands-on experience will be available.

About our guest speaker:


Jeremy is the Upstate New York PMI Chapter President. He works as a portfolio and project manager in the pulp and paper industry. He also has experience leading non-profits through organizational change. Jeremy is married with 3 children and enjoys kayaking, hiking, camping, and concerts.


For questions or more information about this event, contact: Vijay Oruganti, VP Events at

Register for this event
Register for this event


Type of category: Events

Date: March 12th, 2025

Hours: 6:15PM to 7:45PM

Number of PDUs: 1.0


Students: Free

Member: $5.00

Non-Member: $10.00
